Crude oil.
It is not just for filling your tanks. The world's economy runs on it. It affects every aspect of our lives. There is nothing around us that is not touched by crude oil.
It is a most precious commodity that is controlled by a sinister few with the ultimate purpose of controlling the masses. While the few make billions, the masses suffer. Not only do they suffer, they are being deceived beyond human imagination.
Take a look at this video. It will open your eyes, and hopefully stir you look at the broader picture.
Behind the acts of the secretive few mentioned in this video, there is a more sinister, yeah stealthy power that perhaps even the few mentioned are not aware of. Herein lies the bigger picture.
The God of heaven reveals through His servant Paul, " ...For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places...? (Ephesians 6:12)
But, you may ask, where is all this leading and what is their ultimate goal?
Whether you be an atheist or whatever your religious persuasion, you will be affected by their ultimate purpose. That purpose, as revealed by the God of heaven, through His servant John in the book of Revelation, chapter 13, is the world wide enforcement of the
Mark of the Beast. This will be the ultimate means of control with dire consequences characterized by chaos, cofusion, persecution and death on a global level. This not a fairy tale. It is the reality, consciously or unconsciously, with which we are all faced. You must be prepared to make the right choices.