Thursday, July 31, 2008

London, New York and now California

Grim economic news is coming from all corners.
We see a jittery, erratic stock market. Bank closings and almost bank closings has become commonplace. Government bailout of major financial institutions continue to make headlines.
Yet we are being told that everything will be o.k.
But God's word paints a quite different picture.
Great changes are soon to take place in our world and the final movements will be rapid ones. We are on the precipice of a horrendous crisis, the like of which no pen can describe or voice utter. For most of the world, it will come as an overwhelming surprise.
God has forewarned us that we might be prepared.
The age in which we live is unlike any other in the history of humanity.
All the prophecies uttered by Jesus Christ and the other prophets, particularly Daniel and John the Revelator, are rapidly converging to bring all humanity into a time of trouble such as was not seen ever since the beginning of the world.
As you take a look at these news items, consider them in ligh of what God has revealed in His Sacred word. Pray, study His word that you may be able to withstand the wrath to come. Be a child of light...get ready for the time is at hand.

New York.

An act of grace

Talk about holding back the winds of strife!!!
The federal government has established guidelines for employers to handle employees' religious accomodation issues. This is a victory for Seventh-day Sabbath keepers who choose to honor the God of creation rather than follow the traditions of men.
Read all about it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Obama or McCain

Who is your favorite presidential candidate?
Is it Obama or McCain?
Whatever your choice, you have no choice. Either candidate, regardless of his presidential campaign rhetoric, will continue along the same path as George Bush.
We are are well on the road to the destruction of the American constitution...our bulwark between democracy and tyranny.
Bush has done his job well...based on why he was selected.
That job is to destroy the U.S. constitution, in the name of security, as America is led into the New World Order...One World Government run by One World religion.
Our visionary founding father, Bemjamin Franklin, talks about trading our freedom for security. Says he, "...Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security... Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both..."
Believe it or not, the Bible clearly predicts that this would happen.
One World Order would be established, albeit for a very short period of time.
The late John F. Kennedy knew well of the powers that be whose main purpose is to establish a One World Government controlled by One World Church. He wanted to return the American dollar to the gold standard. He worked to swiftly to end the war in Vietnam. His ambition was to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank. He was not about to rule over America according to the dictates of his church, the Roman Catholic Papacy. Consequently, he was made a public example of what happens when you go against the New World Order establishment.
Obama or McCain will have to go along with the program or, like Kennedy, suffer the consequences.
Listen to Kennedy's comments then go to our Bible study, America in Bible Prophecy.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Coming Crisis

We must be prepared for what is coming. This is very fascinating and informative. Watch video. (Start at minute 55 for economic information)Then visit this article posted July 29th, 2008 by a very reliable news source.