Grim economic news is coming from all corners.
We see a jittery, erratic stock market. Bank closings and almost bank closings has become commonplace. Government bailout of major financial institutions continue to make headlines.
Yet we are being told that everything will be o.k.
But God's word paints a quite different picture.
Great changes are soon to take place in our world and the final movements will be rapid ones. We are on the precipice of a horrendous crisis, the like of which no pen can describe or voice utter. For most of the world, it will come as an overwhelming surprise.
God has forewarned us that we might be prepared.
The age in which we live is unlike any other in the history of humanity.
All the prophecies uttered by Jesus Christ and the other prophets, particularly Daniel and John the Revelator, are rapidly converging to bring all humanity into a time of trouble such as was not seen ever since the beginning of the world.
As you take a look at these news items, consider them in ligh of what God has revealed in His Sacred word. Pray, study His word that you may be able to withstand the wrath to come. Be a child of light...get ready for the time is at hand.
New York.